Whether you’re planning to schedule your dental implants or are still researching if dental implants are the right option, ClearChoice Affordable Dental Implants Houston is here to help you with the process. Dental implants are a popular and cost-effective alternative to dentures or bridges; they look, feel, and function more like your natural teeth.
Gum disease can increase your risk of stroke, heart disease, and cancer when left untreated. Therefore it is important not to delay gum disease treatment. ClearChoice Dental Implants Houston looks forward to assisting you in finding a comfortable and permanent solution to your dental issues and putting you on a path toward renewed oral and overall health.
Dr. Cesar A. Guerrero completed his residency program at UT Southwestern Medical School, Parkland Memorial Hospital and affiliated Hospitals in Dallas, Texas. He has been involved in Academics since his graduation at Central University of Venezuela and University of Texas, Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas.
In addition to being a key member of the team at ClearChoice Dental Implant Center in Houston, Dr. Guerrero has over 100 scientific publications between articles, book chapters, and graduation thesis and has lectured in six continents on Dental Implants, Orthognathic, and Reconstructive surgery. He has developed original surgical techniques and owns patents in USA. He also received an award for Surgeon of The Year by the American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (2016). He has been a member of the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and belongs to the European Association of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. Dr. Guerrero also acts as the Scientific Director of the Latin-American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
Dr. Guerrero has performed wide research in zygoma implants, new designs and completed long term follow-up on his patients. Dr. Guerrero’s grandfather, Bartholomew Barros DDS, his uncle Jose Barros Saint-Pasteur MD DDS, and himself have dedicated their lives to oral and maxillofacial surgery from dental extractions, alveolar remodeling, reconstructive surgery, and prosthetic rehabilitation.
*Independent contractor to ClearChoice